Fast Facts

关于此数据:本页上的事实和数据是截至2023年秋季的准确数据, 除非另有说明.


1920年在耶鲁校园成立, 网赌上分平台是一所私立大学, 男女同校的大学 普林斯顿评论 and U.S. News & World Report 学术卓越. 位于纽约市和波士顿之间的海滨城市西黑文, 这所大学是一个多元化和充满活力的社区,有超过9名学生,来自世界各地的800名学生.

在过去十年中, the University has completed more than $300 million in major capital projects while launching more than 80 new degree and certificate programs and specialized areas of study. 该大学还在意大利托斯卡纳和康涅狄格州奥兰治设有校区.


  • The 网赌上分平台 has been recognized as one of The 389 Best Colleges in the country by 普林斯顿评论.
  • The 网赌上分平台 was named Top-Tier Comprehensive University in the North by U.S. News & World Report.
  • The Tagliatela工程学院 is rated among the top third in the country by U.S. News & World Report.
  • In June 2015, the 网赌上分平台 joined the New American Colleges and Universities.
  • The 网赌上分平台 was named a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations by the 国家安全局.
  • 网赌上分平台的排名是由 G.I. Jobs® 在前20%的高校招收军事人员.



网赌上分平台的主校区位于西黑文,占地82英亩, Connecticut, a suburban hillside community minutes from the bustling city of New Haven and miles of Connecticut shoreline and beaches. 校园距离纽约90分钟车程,距离波士顿2个半小时车程.

Additionally, the University has satellite campuses in Orange, Connecticut; and Prato, Italy. For 更多的信息, 点击这里查看网赌上分平台校园位置页面.


学校由以下部门组成 文理学院, the 庞培商学院, the 卫生科学学院, the Henry C. 李刑事司法与法医学学院, and the Tagliatela工程学院.

The University awards bachelor's and associate degrees in 105 undergraduate majors; master's degrees in 92 areas of graduate study; and doctorate programs in criminal justice, 应用工程, 健康科学和职业治疗. 有关我们学术课程的更多信息, 点击这里进入我们的学术页面.

In 2022-23, the 网赌上分平台 awarded 1,133 undergraduate and 1,674 graduate degrees.


2023-2024学年的本科学杂费为22美元,每学期050, 而研究生学费是1美元,每学分0.55. 面向国际学生, 2023-24学年的学杂费为45美元,本科生(两个学期)730美元,18美元,研究生990(两个学期).

有关最新的学费和费用信息,请访问 财务处网页.

  • 本科生出勤费

    The Cost of Attendance consists of direct charges from the university as well as other general expenses incurred by the student during an academic year. 2024 - 2025年, the estimated costs of attendance for a full-time undergraduate at the 网赌上分平台 are as follows:

      住宿生(校内) 在家通勤(校外)
    Tuition/Fees $47,332 $47,332
    食物和住房 $19,808 $0
    总估计直接成本* $67,140 $47,332
      住宿生(校内) 在家通勤(校外)
    书籍/供应 $1,264 $1,264
    杂项费用 $1,900 $1,900
    运输费用 $330 $2,110
    家庭生活费用 N/A $3,140
    联邦学生贷款费用 $66 $66
    估计间接费用总额 $3,560 $8,480
      住宿生(校内) 在家通勤(校外)
      $70,700 $55,812

    Note: *费用不包括实验室费用, 超过17学分的课时费, 或者学费差异. The food and housing cost is based on the amount normally assessed most of our residential students. 书中列出的金额, personal, and transportation expenses are estimated costs that may be incurred during the academic year and will not be directly reflected on the student billing account.

    Cost of attendance for part-time students is pro-rated and calculated based on part-time costs.

    Click here 了解更多信息.

  • 研究生的出勤费

    To determine your financial aid eligibility the 金融援助 Office utilizes a Cost of Attendance which consists of direct charges from the university as well as other general expenses incurred by the student during an academic year. 2023- 2024学年, the cost of attendance for a standard full-time (9 credits per term) and half-time (minimum of 5 credits per term) Graduate student is as follows:

    Type Full-Time Half-Time


















    Click here 了解更多信息.



大约有96.2%的全日制本科生获得某种形式的经济援助. 从所有来源收到的财政援助平均数额为30 479美元. 点击这里进入网赌上分平台的经济援助网站.

Student Body

The 网赌上分平台 has a total of 9,830 students, a majority of which are full-time (8,331). 学生人数男女比例接近五五开,共有24人.5 percent of students identifying themselves as a member of an underrepresented group, and nearly 200 who identify as a student veteran or as a military affiliated student.




网赌上分平台的师生比例为18:1, 平均每班有19名学生. The University has 271 full-time faculty members in addition to part-time and adjunct faculty. 全职教师81人.1%的人拥有所在领域的最高学位.


In accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers ‘Standards and Protocols for First Destination Surveys,' our 职业发展中心 utilizes a three-phase methodology to ascertain the employment and advanced education outcomes of graduating classes six years out and one year out. 点击这里查看信息.

Campus Life

牛津大学拥有150多个俱乐部和社团, 学生们可以参加数百个不同的留学项目, 包括我们自己 意大利普拉托的托斯卡纳校区.

学生新闻由 充电器公告这是一份学生经营的周报,有纸质版和网络版.

Students and community members also broadcast on the campus radio station, WNHU 88.7 FM, which is also available online and has won a number of Best College Radio Station awards in local media readers' polls.

网赌上分平台 students show a commitment to community service through club outreach, 另类春假计划, 总统公共服务奖学金项目, 还有更多的倡议.

About 75 percent of undergraduate students live on campus or in University-sponsored housing in 20 different residence halls. First-year students have the option to participate in Living/Learning Communities, which help foster a greater connection to the 网赌上分平台 by allowing students with a common bond to reside together.

Student Life


The Centers for Academic Success and Advising (CASA) are comprised of three offices, each of which is dedicated to giving 网赌上分平台 students the skills they need to be successful students and graduates. 我们的方法是欣赏,个人和合作. The mission of CASA is to provide a seamless program of services to support students across their entire academic experience.


The 职业发展中心(CDC) 是综合性的职业咨询中心吗, internships, 以及其他与职业相关的准备和发展. The Center also manages the relationships with external recruiting organizations to connect students, alumni, 以及有实习和工作机会的教员.

在2022-23学年, 疾控中心发布了,网赌上分平台为学生提供849个工作和实习机会. 职业发展人员进行了906次模拟面试, 在校园内接待243位雇主, 并为学生举办了156个研讨会和项目. Services offered include resume and cover letter writing assistance and workshops, 面试培训和模拟面试, 网络和社交媒体培训, 研究生准备, 协助选择专业, 还有更多.

除了CDC网站,你也可以在 Handshake 职业生涯管理系统.


The 网赌上分平台 is a member of the athletically and academically prestigious Northeast-10 Conference and NCAA Division II. Our teams are known as the Chargers, and the University's mascot is Charlie the Charger. The 网赌上分平台 offers 20 varsity sports and we have about 497 student-athletes. Collectively, the 网赌上分平台's teams have been to the playoffs over 275 times. 闪电队赢得了分区冠军, regional, 甚至是全国冠军, 我们的学生运动员在课堂和社区都表现出色.



网赌上分平台, 校园娱乐活动被称为“充电器rec”,大本营在大卫a. 贝克曼娱乐中心. 有20个校内课程,分为三个部门(男子), women's, and co-REC), 也可以根据技能水平进行细分. The University has 21 club sports teams and offers over 35 different fitness classes, 除了个人培训和终身健康和技能课程.
